Problem Statements

Challenge Accepted: Pioneering Solutions for Tomorrow at HackSavvy-24

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI-ML-PS-1: Pest Detection and Control

Developing an AI system that analyzes images from drones or IoT devices to identify pest infestations in crops early on, enabling farmers to apply targeted interventions that minimize crop damage and reduce the use of pesticides.


AI-ML-PS-2: Predictive Crop Yield Analysis

Creating a machine learning model that integrates weather data, soil conditions, and historical crop performance to predict future crop yields. This tool helps farmers make informed planting decisions and optimize harvests.


AI-ML-PS-3: Automated Weed Removal

Designing an AI-driven robotic system capable of distinguishing between crops and weeds. This robot would autonomously navigate fields, removing weeds without harming the crops, thereby reducing labor costs and environmental impact from herbicides.


AI-ML-PS-4: Personalized Learning

Developing an AI system that adapts educational content to match the learning pace, style, and needs of each student. By analyzing student interactions and performance, the system would offer customized resources, thereby enhancing learning outcomes.


AI-ML-PS-5: Early Detection of Learning Disabilities

Utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze students’ performance data over time to identify early signs of learning disabilities such as dyslexia or ADHD, enabling timely intervention and support.


AI-ML-PS-6: Automated Essay Scoring and Feedback

Creating an AI tool that provides instant grading and constructive feedback on students’ essays, freeing up teachers’ time for more personalized teaching and reducing subjective bias in scoring.


AI-ML-PS-7: Predictive Analysis for Chronic Diseases

Building a predictive model that uses patient data (genetic information, lifestyle, historical health records) to identify individuals at high risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, facilitating early intervention.


AI-ML-PS-8: AI-Assisted Radiology

Developing an AI system that can accurately read and interpret medical images (X-rays, MRIs) to assist radiologists in diagnosing conditions more quickly and accurately, thereby improving patient outcomes.


AI-ML-PS-9: Virtual Health Assistants for Elderly Care

Designing an AI-powered virtual assistant that monitors the health and wellbeing of elderly individuals, providing reminders for medication, appointments, and physical activity, and alerting caregivers in case of emergencies.


AI-ML-PS-10: Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Management

Implementing a machine learning model that predicts flood events by analyzing weather data, river levels, and historical flood information, enabling authorities to evacuate vulnerable areas and manage resources effectively.

Disaster Management

AI-ML-PS-11: Wildfire Detection and Spread Prediction

Creating an AI system that uses satellite imagery and sensor data to detect wildfires early and predict their spread, helping to optimize firefighting efforts and minimize damage.

Disaster Management

AI-ML-PS-12: Post-Disaster Damage Assessment

Developing a drone-based AI solution that quickly assesses damage after natural disasters using image recognition to identify destroyed infrastructure and prioritize rescue and repair efforts.

Disaster Management

AI-ML-PS-13: Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation

Utilizing AI to analyze data from camera traps, drones, and satellite imagery to monitor wildlife populations and habitat changes, aiding conservation efforts and the protection of endangered species.


AI-ML-PS-14: Air Quality Prediction and Management

Building a predictive AI model that forecasts air quality levels based on traffic patterns, industrial activities, and weather conditions, helping cities to implement timely pollution control measures.


AI-ML-PS-15: Waste Sorting and Recycling Automation

Designing an AI-driven system for waste management facilities that automatically sorts waste into recyclables and non-recyclables, improving recycling rates and reducing manual labor requirements.


AI-ML-PS-16: Your Innovative AI/ML Solution

Identify a pressing challenge in any domain of your choice and propose a groundbreaking solution leveraging Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning technologies. Your submission should aim to address real-world problems, improve efficiency, enhance quality of life, or drive innovation in unexplored areas.
Note: Please forward any problem statements you wish to be considered for shortlisting to The committee will review and finalize the selections.

Open Category