TGPGECET-2024-Admission-Guidelines-Checklist-Convener-Quota M.Tech. Category - B Provisionally Selected List 2024

Tech Expo Qubit 2022

30 Jun 2022 - 30 Jun 2022 | Organized by: Computer Science Engineering Tech Expo Qubit 2022 Website  | Registration Form  | Brochure

This event is designed with 3 sub events.

  • TECH UNO:if the participant gets uno power cards then he has to choose a technical question and answer it .the one who finishes the game first is the winner
  • QR HUNT:Qr scanners pasted through out the campus each scanner has a question (technical or general) if you answer the question correctly it will lead you to the next level.
  • BUY YOUR LUCK:A deck of cards are presented to the participant one can buy any number of cards of their choice a card will be picked randomly from the pile of sold cards.the participant who holds the picked card will be the winner.


  • D block 408,MGIT

Event Guidelines:

  • Last date for the registration:30-june-2022
  • E-Certificate will be provided to all the registered participants.

Student Co-Ordinators:

  • Mr.Manish
  • Mr.Harsha