TS-EAMCET-2024 - Spot Admission
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Yukti TechQuest

21 Mar 2024 - 21 Mar 2024 | Organized by: Information Technology Website  | Registration Form  | Brochure

TechQuest is a thrilling event designed to challenge and celebrate your technical acumen. Dive into a dynamic quiz featuring an array of technical questions spanning various domains. With a time limit adding an exhilarating edge, participants must showcase not only their knowledge but also their quick thinking and precision. Every correct answer and speedy response contributes to a comprehensive analysis, ensuring a fair evaluation of participants’ expertise. Exciting prizes await those who rise to the challenge and emerge victorious in this electrifying journey through the realms of technology.


D-302, D Block, MGIT

Event Guidelines:

  • TechQuest consists of a timed quiz with a predetermined number of technical questions.
  • Questions may cover various fields such as programming, electronics, engineering, cybersecurity, etc.


  • Each participant will have a specific time limit to complete the quiz.
  • Time limits will vary depending on the number and complexity of questions.


  • Participants will earn points based on the correctness of their answers and the speed of their responses.
  • Correct answers are awarded full points, while incorrect answers may result in point deductions.
  • Points are also allocated based on the time taken to answer each question, encouraging participants to respond quickly and accurately.


  • Results will be analyzed based on the total points earned by each participant.
  • Speed and accuracy of responses will be taken into account to determine final scores.
  • In case of ties, additional criteria such as completion time or bonus questions may be used for differentiation.


  • Exciting prizes will be awarded to participants based on their performance in the TechQuest event.
  • Prizes may include cash rewards, tech gadgets, vouchers, or certificates of achievement.