(To be filled by the applicant. The font size should not be smaller than 10 point. Proposals exceeding 12 pages would be rejected without consideration.)
Project Title :
Duration in months :
Investigator(s) Name & Dept. :
Objectives of the project (maximum 150 words) :
Key words (maximum 6) :
Technical details: (maximum 4 pages)(Introduction Including literature review illustrating the state-of-the-art and clear statement of the relevance of the proposal)
Research methodology: (clearly state the methodology proposed for investigating the problem)
Facilities and Infrastructure available to the team for implementing the project:
Work plan (Time schedule of activities giving milestones in a bar diagram):
Research infrastructure required:
End usage of the research outcome:
Budget Estimates: Consumables (in a table)
Specific research facilities required for the project with detailed justification and cost (Financial requirements for complete project duration and phasing for each year. In giving budget requirements, clearly state what is meant for infrastructure support or basic equipment and how much of the cost is concerned.)
Inter-institutional or industrial links, if any:
List of references Proposal Review:
Detailed Bio-data of the Investigator(s)/Co-Investigator(s):
Most relevant publications of the investigators (Authors, title, Journal/conference details, pages, year etc.)
For further details, contact and submit the completed proposal to Dr. P. Ravinder Reddy, Professor & Head, Department of Mech. Engg.
E-mail: reddy.prr@gmail.com, reddy_prr@yahoo.com