Name of Club : SAE (Society of Automobile Engineering)
Description: SAE MGIT was established under the vision to help the auto-mobile enthusiasts in students enhance their knowledge and help them explore the domain of automobile engineering. Faulty In-charge: Dr. K. Sudhakar Reddy, D. Kameswara Rao
Student In-charge: G. Anish Babu, Student Chairperson, Final Year, Mechatronics Engineering, MGIT.
Gogineni Anish Babu, 18261A1418
K Yeshwanth Rao, 18261A1423
Tandra Namratha Reddy, 18261A1446
Vishwa Teja Dusa, 18261A1451
G. Anish Babu, Student Chairperson, +91 9121009662
Name of Club: Robotics Club MGIT
Description: Robotics club is viewed as a strong educational component by most of the leading technical institutes throughout the world. Robotics Club of MGIT is formed with the support of Professor Dr. Sudhakar Reddy and faculty in charges. This club is active and fruitful. Club members are eager to make all efforts to increase student interest in robotics at the institute. With robotics, students are encouraged to show off their creativity and engineering skills by utilizing their knowledge, intelligence, and ability to solve challenges. The club takes active measures to engage students in various programs so they can develop technical skills, teamwork skills, and leadership abilities.
As a club, members can develop their technical understanding and turn their innovative ideas into reality. Workshops and tutorials are part of club activities that provide the club’s members with
invaluable help. Students can take on challenges from day-to-day life scenarios, make them feasible solutions based on their technical skills, and convert their ideas into prototypes by implementing their creativity and technical skills.
Guidelines for working in the field of robotics:
Students are provided with learning facilities
Providing a design environment
Our club will strive to host invited talks and guest lectures by experts from a variety of fields:
A closer look at the research problems
Understand the theoretical details
Various workshops and conferences will be conducted by the club on several topics:
Having the opportunity to interact with industry and academics on research topics
An opportunity to gain experience from the experts
A team of faculties consisting of eminent individuals will guide the project
To attract the students’ interest in robotics, the club will conduct intra-institutional (both on a state and national level) competitions:
Design a robot of their own and compete with it
Compete and cooperate in robot alliances and tournaments
Faulty In-charge:
Mr. P.V. Prasad Reddy
Mr. B. Govind Reddy
Mr. E. Sai Krishna
Mr. S. Ajay Kumar
Student In-charge:
Malothu Kirankumar, MCT-III/IV, Roll no: 19261A1426 Cell: 9494446043
Sreekesari Vangeepuram, MCT-III/IV, Roll no: 19261A1452 Cell: 8688220159
Shali Nehal, MCT-III/IV, Roll no: 19261A1442, Cell: 9246063073
Gandi Kumuda, MCT-III/IV, Roll no: 19261A1412, Cell: 8309963357
Ramasagaram Rahul Chary, MCT-II/IV, Roll no: 20261A1437,Cell: 9573539174
Lohith, MCT-IV/IV, Roll no: 18261A1428, Cell: 6303851011
Sharath MCT-IV/IV, Roll no: 18261A1403, Cell: 6303456146
Rajat MCT-IV/IV, Roll no: 18261A1402, Cell: 8125273473
Ashish MCT-IV/IV, Roll no: 18261A1401, Cell: 7702041606